Friday, 24 December 2010

Holiday season = silly season

Well, its been a while since I wrote on here and a fair few things have happened. its all gone quite as I sit here on Christmas eve writing this blog. Done 1 job and there is one more on the screen, but that is it, seems everyone has buggered off for their christmas drinks and feasts.

Christmas seems to bring out the idiots even more then normal, people who are more concerned about getting to the next department store then actually paying any atention to the fact they are crossing a road.

I had a accident a couple of tuesdays ago, the biggest incident and the most serious I have had in a couple of years since I was involved in a car/street car track/ rain incident in Toronto.

Students have a lot to answer for, first of all the cause mayhem in the city by protesting over fees, ( someone has to pay for them and I dont see why it should be me.) Then they vandalise property and deface memorials. My biggest grip with students are the ones that are around 13 years old, bunk off school and decided to run across 4 lanes of rush hour traffic at parliment square without looking and straight into my path.

Well I think you can guess where this is going, it ended up with me flying over the handle bars and landing straight on my back, which resulted in me spending 5 hours in St Thomas.

I know that we all have our grips with the police but they were very helpful in the fact that they were hanging around monitoring the protests, and they had the police medics on scene within minutes and an ambulance there in 20minutes. The kid was fine, just a little shaken, the police phoned his parents who went ballisitic as they found out that he had bunked off school to go to parliment and protest.

Im fine now and was back on the road after a day off to try and recover, hell if I could afford to I would have taken a couple of days off but I cant so I had no option.

This week has been a strange week, Snow, rain, sleet, bitter cold ice winds and a mixture of busy and quite days.
Monday started off slowly with the snow falling and the roads treacherous, it turned out to be the busiest day of the week, a very tiring day which required a hell of a lot of concerntration, and at the end of it I was pyshically exhuasted.
the week then began to slow down from there, gradually getting quiter and quiter as the week progressed.

But I cant complain as Im off as of 2pm for 10 days so come this afternoon I will be hitting the pubs around Liverpool st, for a good old jolly up as they say.

Wishing everyone happy holidays
Until the New year

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